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Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2021-02-27 06:02:17 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Tutkimus liittää ultraprosessoidun ruuan viskeraali- ja muun rasvan kertymiseen.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 1421000297

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-01 01:20:38 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Beoynd Meat yhteistyöhön Pepsin kanssa. Ultraprosessoitua lihankorviketta plus sokerilimua (Yhdysvalloissa sokeriakin haitallisemmalla korkeafruktoosisella maissisiirapilla makeutettua.) Mikä voisi mennä vikaan?

https://twitter.com/GayeGodkin/status/1 ... 06434?s=20

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-02 08:27:49 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Mahtaakohan se sittenkään olla hampurilaispihvin liha, jonka takia prosessoitu liha joissakin korrelaatiotutkimuksissa on liitetty terveyshaittoihin? Katso mitä kaikkea syö kun syöt pikaruoka-aterian Joelassa!

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvZmreiXEAI ... name=large

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-08 10:27:26 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Daily Mail kertoo low carb diet -viikkonsa toisena päivänä myös siitä miten prosessoitu ruoka lihottaa:

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev8Q2skXMAM ... ame=medium

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food ... -carb.html

Watch out for the foods that TRICK you into eating more...
By Dr David Unwin for the Daily Mail

As a GP, I have helped to look after effectively the same group of 9,500 people just north of Liverpool since 1986.

In that time, I’ve seen an eight-fold increase in those affected by type 2 diabetes, which is a growing global problem and is directly linked to our expanding waistlines. But what’s behind this health calamity that has unfolded in my lifetime (I’m 62)?

Growing up, no one I knew had type 2 diabetes, and obesity was rare. I only remember one fat child in my whole school.

The fact that this has all come about in one generation means it cannot be purely genetic; a new environmental factor must be making us all sick.

The answer is right in front of our noses; it’s in the rows of biscuits, snacks, treats and convenience foods you see in every petrol station, supermarket or newsagents’ shop.

Someone is eating all this stuff and yet it isn’t really food at all. I’m not being a killjoy, but if you had seen how poor diet is harming people you care about over four decades in the NHS, you’d have a different view of ‘snacks and treats’ too.

Growing up, no one I knew had type 2 diabetes, and obesity was rare. I only remember one fat child in my whole school +9
Growing up, no one I knew had type 2 diabetes, and obesity was rare. I only remember one fat child in my whole school

And all this junk food is slowly killing us — don’t just take my word for it: no less than the World Health Organisation reports there are more than one billion overweight adults in the world, and it blames increased consumption of more energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods, the so-called ‘ultra-processed’ foods.

These foods often come in packets and contain high quantities of sugar, salt and cheap vegetable oils such as corn oil, often with chemical emulsifiers, artificial additives and preservatives.

Now you may think that surely a few snacks and treats can’t be that bad. But recent evidence suggests they might be.

In fact, research published last year by scientists from Imperial College London in the journal PLoS One found that a 10 per cent increase in consumption of ultra-processed food was linked to an increase of 18 per cent more men and 17 per cent more women becoming obese.

In another study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which examined the eating habits of 22,000 Italians over eight years, researchers found that those whose daily diet was made up of 15 per cent or more of processed foods had an increased risk of premature death from any cause of 26 per cent. They also had a significantly increased (a whopping 58 per cent) risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

So why does ultra-processed food pose such a risk for cardiovascular health? It’s partly because it contains a toxic mix of sugar, bad fats and salt.

Ultra-processed food has been shown to trigger an inflammatory response in the body and we now know that chronic inflammation is associated with serious disease. Research has linked ultra-processed foods to a greater risk of obesity and conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and some cancers.

Another problem with ultra-processed foods is that they’ve been designed to be so super-tasty that many of us find moderate consumption difficult.

As you’d expect, there’s a vast difference between how different ingredients affect your health. On one end of the spectrum lie ultra-processed crisps, chocolate bars, breakfast cereals, ready meals and sauces, cakes and biscuits.]

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-10 20:30:06 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Prosessoitu (ja tietenkin ultraprosessoitu) teollisuusruoka on suunniteltu koukuttamaan. Erityisesti "kunnostautuneisiin" kuuluvat vanhat ystävämme Nestlé, Mars, ja Kellogg’s.

Michael Mossin uusin kirja:

https://karppaus.info/forum/viewtopic.p ... 6#p2394916

Robert Lustig:

https://twitter.com/RobertLustigMD/stat ... 50146?s=20

Muttaettä myös juustoko aiheuttaa riippuvuutta? Jos niin tekee, niin ei haittaa. Juustohan on terveelistä.

Juuston joutuminen huonoon seuraan taisi kuitenkin olla lehtijutun otsikon väsääjän tekosia. Jutussa juustoa ei mainita pahuksenmoisesti.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-11 17:35:55 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Prosessoitu ja ultraprosessoitu ruoka valtaa Afrikkaa pahentaen ravinnepuutoksia sekä kylväen lihavuutta ja tyypin 2 diabetesta.


ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-16 12:59:16 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Voisiko enää parempaa osoitusta ultraprosessoidun ruuan koukuttavuudesta olla kuin tämä tutkimus?

Tutkimus: lähes kaikki ahmimishäiriöstä kärsivät ahmivat ultraprosessoitua ruokaa.

Ultra-processed foods and binge eating: A retrospective observational study

•There has been exponential growth in the consumption of ultra-processed products, which have gradually been displacing minimally processed foods and freshly prepared meals. Recent studies have shown that ultra-processed foods stimulate overeating by affecting multiple neuroendocrine and metabolic pathways.

• We explored the frequency of ultra-processed food choices in a clinical sample of people with eating disorders. The consumption of ultra-processed foods ranged from 55% in patients with anorexia nervosa to 72% in bulimia nervosa and 69% in binge eating disorder. These included a mixture of diet foods and drinks and binge foods.

• Regardless of the diagnostic categories, patients who reported binge eating binged on 100% of ultra-processed foods, which were most commonly high in both carbohydrates and fats and low in protein.

• Our observation is consistent with animal and human experiments that have demonstrated that ultra-processed foods alter the neurobiological reward pathways involved in eating behaviors and suggests that the loss of control in binge eating may be driven by biological factors. This has significant implications for treatment and further research.

There is increasing evidence of the impact of ultra-processed foods on multiple metabolic and neurobiological pathways, including those involved in eating behaviors, both in animals and in humans. In this study we aimed to explore ultra-processed foods and their link with disordered eating in a clinical sample.

This was a single site, retrospective observational study in a specialist eating disorder service using self-report on the electronic health records. Patients with a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fifth edition) diagnosis of anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), or binge eating disorder (BED) were randomly selected from the service database in Oxford from 2017 to 2019. The recently introduced NOVA classification was used to determine the degree of industrial food processing in each patient's diet. Frequencies of ultra-processed foods were analyzed for each diagnosis at each mealtime and during episodes of binging.

A total of 70 female and 3 male patients were included in the study; 22 had AN, 25 BN, and 26 BED. Patients with AN reported consuming 55% NOVA-4 foods, as opposed to approximately 70% in BN and BED patients. Foods that were consumed in a binge pattern were 100% ultra-processed.

Further research into the metabolic and neurobiological effects of ultra-processed food intake on disordered eating, particularly on binging, is needed.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-18 21:20:15 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Runsas ultraprosessoidun ruuan syönti heikentää ruokavalion laatua. Tässä tutkittiin odottavien äitien ravinnonsaantia. Mitä suurempi osa energiasta tuli ultraprosesoidusta ruuasta, sitä heikommin saatiin proteiinia, kuitua, magnesiumia, rautaa, kaliumia, seleeniä ja folaattia, sekä D- ja E-vitamiinia.

The consumption of ultra-processed foods reduces overall quality of diet in pregnant women

This study analyzed the role of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) in the food and nutritional profile of pregnant women's diet. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a representative sample of pregnant women attending primary healthcare units in Maceió, capital of the State of Alagoas, Brazil. Food consumption was assessed with the application of two 24-hour food recalls on nonconsecutive days, and the consumption items were grouped according to the NOVA classification. Overall estimates were expressed as absolute dietary consumption (mean calorie intake) and relative consumption (percentage of total energy intake according to food groups and consumption items). Analysis of variance was used to compare mean energy and nutrient intake according to food groups. The association between quintiles of the energy share from UPFs (exposure variable) and (1) consumption items and food groups, (2) percentage of total energy from macronutrients, and (3) micronutrient density was analyzed via adjusted linear regression models. Mean energy intake in pregnant women was 1,966.9Kcal/day, 22% of which from UPFs. A direct relationship was observed between the percentage of energy from UPFs and total energy consumption (β = 228.78Kcal; SE = 21.26). In addition, an increase in the share of UPFs was associated with a statistically significant reduction in the intake of protein, fiber, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, selenium, folate, and vitamins D and E, as well as in the consumption of traditional foods such as protein, beans, roots, and tubers. Our data thus indicate that the consumption of UPFs reduces the overall nutritional and food quality of diet in pregnant women.]

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-22 22:09:35 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Jälleen yksi tutkimus liittää runsaan ultaprosessoidun ruuan syömisen suurempaan sydänriskiin ja suurempaan kuoleman riskiin.

Ultra-processed foods are breaking your heart

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-25 22:05:47 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Hooked - kirja siitä miten meitä koukutetaan:


Prosessoitu/ultraprosessoitua ruokaa valmistavan Big Foodin kytkennät toiseen koukuttavaan teollisuustoimialaan, tupakkateollisuuteen, nousevat esille New York Timesin kirjasta tekemässä jutussa:

https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/25/well ... -food.html

Mr. Moss explains that even people in the tobacco industry took note of the powerful lure of processed foods. In the 1980s, Philip Morris acquired Kraft and General Foods, making it the largest manufacturer of processed foods in the country, with products like Kool-Aid, Cocoa Pebbles, Capri Sun and Oreo cookies. But the company’s former general counsel and vice president, Steven C. Parrish, confided that he found it troubling that it was easier for him to quit the company’s cigarettes than its chocolate cookies. “I’m dangerous around a bag of chips or Doritos or Oreos,” he told Mr. Moss. “I’d avoid even opening a bag of Oreos because instead of eating one or two, I would eat half the bag.”

As litigation against tobacco companies gained ground in the 1990s, one of the industry’s defenses was that cigarettes were no more addictive than Twinkies. It may have been on to something. Philip Morris routinely surveyed the public to gather legal and marketing intelligence, Mr. Moss writes, and one particular survey in 1988 asked people to name things that they thought were addictive and then rate them on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most addictive.

“Smoking was given an 8.5, nearly on par with heroin,” Mr. Moss writes. “But overeating, at 7.3, was not far behind, scoring higher than beer, tranquilizers and sleeping pills. This statistic was used to buttress the company’s argument that cigarettes might not be exactly innocent, but they were a vice on the order of potato chips and, as such, were manageable.”

But processed foods are not tobacco, and many people, including some experts, dismiss the notion that they are addictive. Mr. Moss suggests that this reluctance is in part a result of misconceptions about what addiction entails. For one, a substance does not have to hook everyone for it to be addictive. Studies show that most people who drink or use cocaine do not become dependent. Nor does everyone who smokes or uses painkillers become addicted. It is also the case that the symptoms of addiction can vary from one person to the next and from one drug to another. Painful withdrawals were once considered hallmarks of addiction. But some drugs that we know to be addictive, such as cocaine, would fail to meet that definition because they do not provoke “the body-wrenching havoc” that withdrawal from barbiturates and other addictive drugs can cause.

Eihän se mikään sattuma ole, että Big Foodin pelikirja on samanlainen kuin Big Tobaccon.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-26 09:31:17 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Malhotra: "Kansanterveyspolitiikan tulisi keskittyä heikkolaatuisten hiilareiden ja ultraprosessoitujen ruokien ja juomien maalittamiseen epätieteellisen tyydyttynyttä rasvaa koskevan huuhaan asemasta".

https://twitter.com/DrAseemMalhotra/sta ... 09281?s=20

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-06 16:33:38 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Ei kannata syödä perunalastuja dieettikokiksen kanssa eli prosessoitu ja ultraprosessoitu ruoka ei tee hyvää aivoillekaan:

Why You Should Never Eat Potato Chips With Diet Coke, According to Brain Science

The damage to the body inflicted by the Western diet, based heavily on processed food, extends to the mind, too, research at Yale and elsewhere shows

Hieno kuvitusidea: hamppari ja pitsa Pac-Maneina aivoja ahmimassa!

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-07 21:21:37 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
For Greater Productivity, Watch What—and When—You Eat

“If you eat processed food day in and day out, it affects your long-term mentation and physical health,” says Zhaoping Li, director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-08 06:37:23 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Prosessointi näyttäisi tekevän jopa lihasta vähemmän terveellistä.

Tämä tosin on vain epididdlydoodlyologycal tutkimus, mutta sentään PURE:


Mutta, jos lihasta tulee epäterveellistä kun siihen sotketaan kaiken maailman aineita, joita ihminen ei evoluutiohistoriansa aikana ole koskaan itseensä tunkenut, niin onko vika lihassa vai niissä kaiken maailman aineissa?

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-08 14:50:05 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
University of North Carolina tiedottaa;

Ultraprosessoidut ruuat - globaali uhka kansanterveydelle

https://globalfoodresearchprogram.web.u ... _sheet.pdf

Siitä hyvä paperi, että siinä selkeästi kerrotaan mikä on ultraprosessoitua ruokaa.

Yllättävän paljon on muuten jo kertynytkin näyttöä ultraprosessoidun ruuan haitallisuudesta.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-10 17:33:47 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Kaikki tietävät, että ”lihavuus johtuu liian vähäisestä liikunnasta”- oppi tulee ultraprosessoitua ruokaa ja juomaa valmistavalta teollisuudelta (erityisesti Coca-Cola Corporationilta, joka on teettänyt oppia muka tukevaa tutkimusta Fogelholmillakin). Sitä eivät ihan kaikki ehkä vielä tiedä, että ” kaikkea kohtuudella” - oppi tulee sieltä myös.


On jännä nähdä mitä Robert Lustig saa tästä asiasta irti uudessa kirjassaan, joka ilmestyy tuota pikaa.


ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-11 12:36:05 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Heh, aika monta valmistusainetta.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyrFZ8-U4AI ... name=small

Näistä tehtyjä Chicken McNuggetseja saa ainakin Australiassa.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-11 12:50:46 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Ultraprosessoitu ruoka lisää riskiä sairastua tyypin 2 diabetekseen.


ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-13 16:26:29 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Amandapa sen sanoi. Prosessoitu liha on usein kasviperäisen aineksen kontaminoimaa.

https://twitter.com/amandazz100/status/ ... 34212?s=21

" Meat which has been contaminated with vegetable matter may be assocuated with heart disease"

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-04-17 13:43:47 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Big Food pyrkii syrjäyttämään maidonkin ultraprosessoiduilla teollisuustuotteilla.


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