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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 2 viestiä ] 
Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2024-01-13 19:44:38 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29313

Prosessoidun tärkkelys- ja siemenöljyjuoman, jota harhaanjohtavasti kauramaidoksi nimitetään, vaikkei se mitään maitoa ole, suosion huippu taitaa olla ohitettu. Karpeille ja erityisesti diabeetikoille tämä verensokeria tehokkaasti pompsauttava prosessoitu tuote toki on ollut STRONG AVOID kaiken aikaa.

Nyt aletaan ymmärtää, ettei verensokerin suuri pompsahtelu ole hyväksi terveillekään.


Is oat milk healthy?
If you love an oat milk latte as much as I do, be warned that you might not be doing your health any favours. More precisely, your blood sugar levels may be paying a price. For many years, nutritionists and doctors thought it was only important for diabetics to pay close attention to their blood sugar levels, but increasingly it has become clear that fluctuations can impact everyone’s health and mood.

An imbalanced blood sugar level (called hypoglycemia) can cause cravings, a lack of energy and fatigue, acne, poor sleep, and brain fog. There is sugar in all types of milk (including cow’s milk), which varies depending on the source and manufacturing process. According to the Department of Agriculture, unsweetened oat milk has 7.01 grams of sugar per cup, and here’s how the rest of milk types stack up: whole cow’s milk, 11 grams of sugar per cup; 1% cow’s milk, 12 grams of sugar per cup; unsweetened almond milk, 2 grams of sugar per cup; coconut milk, 6 grams of sugar per cup.

Confused by how oat milk could potentially be a villain in your morning coffee? French biochemist Jessie Inchauspé — the self-proclaimed Glucose Goddess — explains. “When we want to know if a food will spike our glucose, we’re not only looking at sugar content but also starch content, which turns into glucose as it’s digested as well,” she says. “Fat and protein content are also important to factor in since they reduce the spike.”

So when it comes to choosing the healthiest milk, it’s not just about looking at the sugar content but the entire composition. Similar to fruit juice, most of the plant fibre is filtered out of oat milk when it’s produced, so it contains little to no fibre, while all the natural sugars remain.

Do your blood sugar levels a favour with these alternatives to oat milk

You may not want to hear this, but according to Inchauspé, cow’s milk and nut milks are far better alternatives. “Milk from cows essentially consists of proteins and fat,” she says. “Milk made from nuts is very low in starch, which makes it a better option for a balanced glucose content.”

But if you absolutely can’t bear to give up your beloved oat milk latte, there are a few things you can do to keep your glucose levels in check. “Consider having breakfast first, instead of drinking oat milk on an empty stomach, or go for a walk after drinking oat milk,” Inchauspé advises.

I’ve tried a few milk alternatives, and unsweetened soy milk is my favourite so far — I almost always add it to my coffee now. I try to pay particular attention to this in the morning, and I truly do feel less hungry before lunchtime.

ViestiLähetetty: 2024-01-16 18:01:47 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29313
Kauramaidon suosion huippu on tosiaan ohitettu - ainakin Yhdysvalloissa. Eikä se koskaan ollut niin suurta kuin otsikoiden perusteella olisi voinut luulla. Paljon oli melua tyhjästä.


https://x.com/JulianMellentin/status/17 ... 99827?s=20

1. Oat milk accounts for just 1.89% of all the milk sold in America (yes, you read that right, it's not at all what the mainstream media hypes it up to be), despite years of marketing.
2. It has now reached the whole niche of people who want it.
3. Sales have stopped growing.
4. And with consumer budgets under pressure, oat milk's 100% price premium isn't going to help.

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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 2 viestiä ] 

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