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Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-06 05:02:44 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan eniten luetussa lehdessä Daily Mailissa alkaa vähähiilihydraattisen ruokavalion teemaviikko!

Alkajaisiksi herkutellaan huippukokkipariskunnan Katie ja Ciancarlo Caldesin gourmet-karppausruuilla. Molemmat ovat panneet omat tyypin 2 diabeteksensa vhh:lla remissioon. Ciancarlo sai vhh:lla myös kihtinsä kuriin.

Varsinaiset jutut ja niihin liittyvät tietolaatikot ovat lääkäri David Unwinin laatimia. Ensimmäisen päivän tietolaatikoissa määritellään vhh:ta ja kerrotaan millaiseen tutkittuun tietoon se perustuu.

Low-carb feasts in 30 minutes: Delicious new dishes from low-carb pioneers Katie and Giancarlo Cald=esi to help you tackle type 2 diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure

-Chef Giancarlo Caldesi and his wife reversed his diabetes with a low-carb diet

-It has been 18 months since his last gout attack and he's shed three stone

-Couple reveal a selection of tasty low-carb recipes and the benefits of the diet

Carbs how low should you go?
A low-carb diet is an eating style that suits many people and can be adapted for different health goals. And because it encourages you to enjoy foods rich in protein such as meat, fish, eggs and healthy fats – including some dairy products such as cheese, butter and even a dash of cream – you’ll find you feel fuller for longer.

You can eat an abundance of leafy greens, salad veg and some less-sugary fruits such as apples, pears and berries. The recipes are labelled with the amount of carbs they contain.

When tracking carbs you might find it useful to look at a guide, such as Carbs & Cals (available as an app or book). So how low should you go?

Liberal low-carb

up to 130g (4½oz) carbs a day

Suitable for you if you have a good metabolism, are active, feel generally optimistic and are not struggling to lose weight.

Low-carb is still right for you because it is a fantastic way to ensure consistent energy levels and to make sure you are achieving a varied, nutritious diet.

You can afford to be a little more flexible with your carbs – eating more fruit, starchy veg such as carrots and parsnips and some wholegrains – particularly if you are doing high levels of exercise.

Moderate low-carb

75-100g (2¾-3½oz) carbs a day

If you feel sluggish, would like to lose some weight and often feel hungry between meals then this is a good starting point for reducing your carb intake while still enjoying a wide and varied diet.

Moderate low-carb will encourage you to base your meals on protein and non-starchy veg and eat some fruit and starchy veg too.

As grains such as rice and flour are among some of the starchiest foods, you won’t generally eat these on a moderate low-carb diet. But it is also a good general target for the long term as it’s not too restrictive.

Strict Low-Carb

50g (1¾oz) carbs a day

This is more restrictive and effectively eliminates all starchy carbs – grains, most fruit and starchy veg. Focus on enjoying protein and vegetable-based recipes from this delicious selection.

Following a strict low-carb diet can help improve a sluggish metabolism, weight-loss and your energy levels, but you may find it easier if you’ve tried moderate low-carb eating for a few weeks first. Monitor how your body responds to the new way of eating.

If you are taking medication or have any health concerns, please consult your GP before embarking on any change in diet.


The science behind low-carb
By Dr David Unwin

When we eat something sugary or starchy, our bodies respond to the higher blood sugar levels by producing the hormone insulin – this pushes the sugar into muscle cells for energy.

If we eat more sugar than they require, insulin clears the excess by pushing it into both the liver and fat cells where it is converted to a fat (triglyceride).

This fat can build up in the liver (leading to fatty liver disease) but can also leak out into the bloodstream, enabling it to be transported around the rest of the body, clogging up other internal organs. It also causes what we doctors call ‘central obesity’ – a large tummy!

Essentially, people with type 2 diabetes have a problem dealing with the sugar glucose and starchy foods such as potatoes or rice (which break down into glucose).

This is because their insulin doesn’t work properly or they don’t produce enough of it. High blood sugar levels are the result – they can damage blood vessels in vital organs, with awful complications such as blindness, nerve damage and amputations.

Following a low-carb diet can put an end to this destructive sugar cycle. While it’s accepted that sugary foods such as cakes and biscuits contribute to type 2 diabetes, the role played by starchy carbohydrates can be overlooked.

Starch is made up of glucose molecules ‘holding hands’; when you digest carbohydrates such as pasta or rice, this produces sugar – in often surprising quantities. For instance, a medium-sized baked potato may affect your blood sugar similarly to nine teaspoons of table sugar.

But there is hope. If you eat less glucose from whatever source, your blood sugar levels will be lower and you are more likely to control your diabetes.

Instead, the low-carb diet is based on ingredients that have much less effect on blood sugar – including green veg, meat, fish, eggs and full-fat dairy.

Support has been growing across the international medical community for a low-carb approach to tackle type 2 diabetes – last year it was endorsed by the American Diabetes Association.

Last October, I published the results from my own GP practice which showed that 46 per cent of my type 2 diabetes patients who chose a low-carb approach reversed their diabetes and came off their medication.

The study, published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention And Health, also estimated this would save my practice £50,000 in diabetes medication. Many patients who don’t achieve remission still see significant improvements in their blood sugars.

People with type 2 are not the only ones to benefit – evidence suggests cutting sugar and starchy carbs improves blood pressure, levels of cholesterol and of triglyceride. And as Giancarlo discovered, there is evidence that low-carb may ease the symptoms of gout.

It can also improve – and even reverse – fatty liver disease, which affects one in five adults in the developed world. In my practice we see improvements in liver function after only weeks.

Low-carb may even help to reduce your risk factors for being seriously ill with Covid-19. The vaccination programme has made great strides but it will be months before it’s fully rolled out.

But it’s clear that having type 2 diabetes, being overweight and having high blood pressure are all significant risk factors for being hospitalised with coronavirus if infected. And, in my practice, we have found it’s possible to improve all three of these factors with a low-carb diet.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-06 06:22:26 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
Ja toinen juttu..

David Unwin kertoo, että vhhon herkullisin tapa kukistaa tyypin 2 diabetes, että koronariskitkin pienenevät, ja että Boriskin valaistui ja laihtui vhh:lla. Lisäksi neljä David Unwinin kokemusasiantuntijapotilasta kertoo miten he kohensivat terveyttään vhh:lla. Lisää Caldesien herkullisia reseptejä. Tietolaatikko: Seitsemän askelta hyvään terveyteen.

Tastiest way to beat diabetes: Nine out of ten of all Covid deaths are in the world's most obese countries – and Britain is one. Boris has got the message... he's slashed his carbs. Now we'll show how YOU can too!


1. Reduce or eliminate sugar and starchy carbohydrate foods. These include breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, white potatoes, rice, crackers, oats, oat cakes, rice cakes, cakes, biscuits, sweets, milk chocolate, fizzy drinks and cordials.

2. Load up with vegetables at every meal. Use non-starchy and salad vegetables to help you to feel full. Adjust your consumption of root vegetables according to how strictly low carb you are planning to go.

3. Eat good fats. Include oily fish, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado and animal fats; they're good for your metabolism and for helping you to feel full. Add nuts and cheese in moderation only — although they're nutritious and tasty, they're also highly calorific.

4. Opt for fruit naturally low in sugar. This includes pears, apples and berries. Choose these over high-sugar tropical fruits such as bananas, mangoes or pineapples.

5. Eat protein at every meal. It's essential for all your body's repair mechanisms and makes you feel fuller for longer.

6. STOP snacking. Fasting between meals and overnight helps to improve insulin resistance (where your cells can't easily take up sugar from your blood). Aim for three good meals a day and stop.

7. DRINK two litres of water a day.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-06 09:22:49 

Liittynyt: 2018-12-02 16:19:49
Viestit: 1390
Onpa hienoa! Olen kyllä itse ällöttävä snobi ja inhoan tabloidijournalismia. Mutta kyllähän tämä viesti tavoittaa valtavan määrän ihmisiä.

Suomessa iltapulut vaan rummuttavat VT:ta. Voisivat vaikka katsoa, mitä suomalaisomisteinen Virta saa rapakon toisella puolella alueella aikaan...

Pajunköysi on epäterveellinen ja epäeettinen ruoka-aine.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-06 13:13:51 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
Hyvältä näyttävät vhh-jutut lehdessäi - kuten myös Caldesien low carb -keittokirjat:

https://twitter.com/katiecaldesi/status ... 13601?s=21

Herkuttelemalla t2d remissioon!

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-06 16:46:35 

Liittynyt: 2018-06-05 15:08:11
Viestit: 1204
Tastiest way to beat diabetes: Nine out of ten of all Covid deaths are in the world's most obese countries – and Britain is one.
Oisko noin? Köyhissä maissa vain ei ole varaa testata kuolevia. Esim. Méxicossa on kuollut yli 8 000 ihmistä enemmän kuin viime vuosien keskiarvon perusteella olisi voinut odottaa. Meksikon terveysviranomaiset raportoivat samaan aikaan pääkaupungissa vain 1 655 vahvistettua koronaviruksen uhria. Virallinen saldo vastasi vain viidennestä havaitusta ylikuolleisuudesta.
Nigerian toiseksi suurimmassa kaupungissa Kanossa vain 33 ihmistä oli toukokuun puoliväliin mennessä kuollut koronavirukseen – virallisen tiedon mukaan. The New York Timesin haastatteleman lääkärin mukaan todellinen uhrimäärä on kuitenkin tuhansia. Kanossa 80 prosenttia testituloksista oli positiivisia jo huhtikuun lopussa, joten suuri osa kaupunkilaisista on todennäköisesti saanut tartunnan.https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-11374008

ME-tauti (G93.3)
Kilpirauhasen autoimmuunitulehdus((E06.3))

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-07 08:41:17 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
Kuolinsyytilastoissa on epäilemättä paljonkin heittoa, mutta Daily Mail ja David Unwin ovat joka tapauksessa oikeassa siinä, että lihavuus, jolla on vahvoja kytkentöjä t2d:hen, nostaa koronariskejä ja että low carbilla voi laihtua ja saada t2d:n remissioon. On valtavan hienoa, että britit saavat tästä tietoa.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-08 08:45:29 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
Upeiden vhh-juttujen sarja jatkuu:

Davuid Unwin kertoo miten hiilareita rajoittamalla saa tyypin 2 diabeteksen remissioon, rasvat putsatuiksi maksasta, verenpaineet alas, uniongelmat pois jne. Tietolaatikko: Kuidun saanti vhh:lla ei ole ongelma.

The delicious breakfasts you won't believe are low carb! Portobello mushrooms with bacon and avocado, a pecan and cinnamon granola, and brunch 'chaffles'... more of our recipes to help you eat to beat diabetes

It's not just type 2 diabetes— going low carb could be good news for your liver, blood pressure and even sleep, as part 2 of our lifechanging series reveals. And today’s breakfast recipes, by food writer Katie Caldesi, are the perfect way to start.


But will I get enough fibre?
Some people worry that going low carb and cutting out starchy foods such as rice, pasta and bread means they won’t get enough fibre, which is so important for health.

But youll be replacing those carbs with veg — for instance, greens such as broccoli, spinach, courgette and cabbage, which all contain dietary fibre. Nuts and seeds add yet more.

Research published in 2018 in BMJ Open tackled the question of a low-carb diet being ‘frequently criticised for being deficient in B vitamins, in particular vitamin B1 or thiamin, and fibre — two key components of grain-based foods...’.

The author, Caryn Zinn, a dietitian at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, found that low-carb diets could provide the vitamins — and surpassed the amount of fibre which, is easily derived from vegetables, some fruit, nuts and seeds.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-08 10:32:58 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
David Unwin twittaa päivän jutuista:

https://twitter.com/lowcarbGP/status/13 ... 52966?s=20

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-09 07:26:26 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
Päivä 3.

David Unwin kertoo mm. ruokariippuvuudesta, joka on monelle ongelma, vaikka sitä ei löydykään virallisesta diagnoosiliettelosta, ja siitä miten prosessoidut ruuat houkuttelevat syömään liikaa. Tietolaatikko: "vaihda valkea ruoka vihreään". Ja tietenkin paljon lisää Caldesien kielen mukanaan vieviä karppausruokareseptejä.

You CAN eat bread rolls and still be low carb! Spinach and nutmeg soup, baked feta with Mediterranean vegetables, and filled subs... more tasty treats that could help you beat diabetes

Today, in the third part of our life-changing series, Dr David Unwin looks at simple ways to help you tackle your sugar cravings, while chef Katie Caldesi offers more of her delicious recipes that show ‘low carb’ doesn’t mean missing out!

Turn white (and brown) food green!
For years I advised the type 2 patients at our practice to switch from white bread and rice to brown alternatives as I thought these ‘brown’ carbs were far superior as they are full of fibre and vitamins.

And then, when their diabetic control was poor, I shrugged my shoulders and started them on medication — completely missing the fact that these wholegrain foods have to be broken down into glucose to be digested.

Of course, if you are someone with type 2 diabetes, you have a problem with glucose . . .

So now I advise patients to ‘turn the white foods green’ — by which I mean substituting high-carb white foods, such as bread, potatoes or rice, with plenty of green veg.

This can be, for instance, buttered broccoli, or a stir-fry. A rich ragu sauce can be served on ribbons of buttery cabbage or courgette. All of which will provide a potent punch of nutrients — as well as beneficial fibre and great flavour!


Simple tips for low-carb success
The following steps can help you keep on track long-term with a low- carb lifestyle:

-Clear out your cupboards, fridge and freezer before you start. Out of sight, out of mind is true with food. If others in the house want sugar and carbs, get your own cupboard and fridge shelf.

-Plan the first few days and have regular meals with good sources of protein such as meat, eggs and fish and fats such as olive oil. These should all help you not to feel hungry as they’re satiating.

-Keep busy. Plan your day and meals so you know what to expect. After a few weeks it will become a habit.

-See it as a lifestyle, not a ‘diet’. Diets are time-limited, but lifestyles are long-term.

-Try different recipes so the change to low-carb doesn’t seem a hardship.

-Focus on your motivation for following a low-carb lifestyle; weightloss, coming off medications, feeling more energetic etc.

-Remember how good you felt when you had a healthy lifestyle in the past.

-Get support from someone in the family or enlist a friend to join you on your journey — and share low-carb recipes with!

-Keep a record of improvements including weight and waist measurements, medication reductions as well as mood, energy and sleep quality.

-Start incorporating some exercise and other hobbies in your routine to replace food as a coping mechanism.

-Try not to snack in between meals. This raises your insulin levels which stops you from burning your own fat.

-Be careful about alcohol, even if it’s low sugar. It can cause cravings and hunger for the next couple of days. Make a drink an infrequent treat.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-09 10:00:09 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
David Unwin twiittaa päivän 3 jutuista:

https://twitter.com/lowcarbGP/status/13 ... 41955?s=20

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-10 09:51:24 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
David Unwin twiittaa päivän 4 jutusta:

https://twitter.com/lowcarbgp/status/13 ... 87266?s=21


Scrumptious suppers to tickle your tastebuds! Creamy cod and broccoli mornay, duck with berry sauce, and spicy chicken and mushroom skewers... our latest ways to help you eat to beat diabetes

Today, in the fourth part of our life-changing series, pioneering GP Dr David Unwin explains why cutting carbs could lower your blood pressure level, while chef and food writer Katie Caldesi offers more of her super-quick recipes to tempt your tastebuds.


How I beat my addiction to biscuits
Being senior partner in an NHS GP practice is stressful and tiring, so I developed the habit of treating myself to a couple of biscuits with each hot drink through the day.

I even had a little shelf put outside my room so the receptionists could leave new supplies without interrupting consultations!

My patients noticed, and kindly began bringing in packets of my favourites. Soon I had a store in a desk drawer.

As the years went by, I found I needed the little boost from these snacks to get through my day, as I was tired more easily.

Gradually I ate even more, particularly if I had to see difficult patients.

By 2012 I needed a 20-minute nap at lunchtime, plus more biscuits and coffee to face afternoon surgery.

I also found a few squares of milk chocolate helped.

I was just so tired. I was 55 years old, perhaps it was time to retire?

It's obvious now that I was going down a road familiar to many people — I was slowly becoming unwell.

The process was so gradual I mistook it for normal ageing until I joined 18 patients on a low-carb regimen.

To my astonishment I lost weight, was full of energy and was running five times a week!

But, oh dear, how I missed those biscuits. It took me about a year to give up snacks.

Like an addict I had to 'transition' to other less carby treats.

First came oatcake biscuits, then almonds before — finally — I became sugar- and snack-free.

I never did retire.


The beauty of berries

For a quick and super-simple breakfast, look no further than berries, topped with full-fat plain yoghurt.

Raspberries, strawberries or blueberries are all less sugary than fruits such pineapple, bananas and oranges.

A large bag of frozen berries is a cheap and equally nutritious way to source them as fresh — and you'll always have a supply to hand in your freezer.

For a delicious dessert, try blending frozen berries with cream for instant low-sugar 'ice cream'.

My grandchildren really love this.

Another 'luxury' option is to grill a serving of any berries with mascarpone cheese dotted over the top.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-11 10:57:23 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
Viides päivä päättää teemaviikon:

Eat to beat diabetes: From frangipane and raspberry tartlets to poppy seed bagels and peanut butter blondies with chocolate chips... the biscuits and cakes that are guilt free

Today, in the fifth part of our life-changing diet series, NHS GP Dr David Unwin explains how going low carb can boost your energy levels and mood, while chef and food writer Katie Caldesi shows you how to bake delicious treats without using heaps of sugar.]


An egg a day keeps the doctor away!
You may ask: aren’t eggs full of cholesterol?
You may ask: aren’t eggs full of cholesterol?

For years we were frightened off eggs, due to fears they raised cholesterol. But research has since proved this to be wrong — most recently in a review of previous studies published in January in the American Journal of Medicine.

This showed that a high consumption of eggs (more than one a day) was not associated with a raised risk of cardiovascular disease, but a significant reduction in risk, instead.

Another major review, published in the British Medical Journal last year, produced similar results.

You may ask: aren’t eggs full of cholesterol? And doesn’t cholesterol lead to blocked arteries? The answer is yes — and no.

Weight for weight, egg yolk contains more cholesterol than in 100g butter, double cream or even pork liver. But the idea that dietary cholesterol causes heart attacks has been quietly dropped.

As the British Heart Foundation explains on its website: ‘The misconceptions around eggs and cholesterol largely stemmed from incorrect conclusions drawn from early research that dietary cholesterol contributed to raised blood cholesterol levels.’ In other words, the cholesterol found naturally in food is not the problem.

I’ve found in my GP practice that there isn’t much of a relationship between the amount of cholesterol you eat and your blood cholesterol levels. Sugar is a more likely culprit, as I’ll explain tomorrow.

We all now agree: eggs can be part of a healthy diet. Perhaps it’s an egg a day keeps the doctor away!


Not all fruit is equal
We all know about the importance of getting our ‘five a day’ of fruit and vegetables.

Many people prefer the sweetness of fruit, so choose this over green veg. Fruit’s sweetness is not so good in large quantities if you have type 2 diabetes — yet I often see patients worried about their type 2 and weight who still believe that large amounts of fruit are healthy and that more is better.

Many people prefer the sweetness of fruit, so choose this over green veg (file image) +10
Many people prefer the sweetness of fruit, so choose this over green veg (file image)

The sugar content varies between different types of fruit. A rough rule of thumb is that the longer fruit spends in the sun, the riper it becomes and the more sugary it is. So in general tropical fruit, such as bananas and pineapples, are more sugary than Scottish raspberries, say. In fact, berries are usually the least sugary choice.

Dried fruit such as raisins are the most sugary and other fruit comes in between.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-11 13:21:39 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
David Unwin twiittaa päivän 5 jutuista:

https://twitter.com/lowcarbGP/status/13 ... 5517097987

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-13 10:08:09 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29286
Teemaviikon päätteksi David Unwin kertoi myös miksi täysmaito on kurria parempi vaihtoehto ja miksi ketoilijan ei kannata juoda keinokeutettuja limuja. Katie Caldesi vinkkasi vähän eksoottisempia ketoiluruokia.

Batch-cook to feed the family: Sri Lankan chicken curry, Moroccan lamb soup and Tuscan beef ragu... try these mouth-watering ways to reverse type 2 and transform your health

Today, in the final part of our unique series, NHS GP Dr David Unwin explains why full-fat dairy is allowed on a low-carb regimen, while chef and food writer Katie Caldesi shows you quick recipes for batch-cooking to make it all even easier!

Tietolaatikko: Mitä juoda ketoilessa.

Fizzy drinks you can enjoy
We've known for years that sweet, fizzy drinks and cordials are linked to obesity in children and adults.

These have also now been linked to a raised risk of type 2 diabetes.

But what may surprise you is that drinks with artificial sweeteners don't seem to be much better.

In 2016, a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine looked at data from 38,000 cases and found just one artificially-sweetened drink a day was associated with a 25 per cent increased risk of developing type 2.

There's evidence that longterm consumption of diet drinks is linked to insulin resistance (where cells become resistant to the hormone insulin that's sweeping sugar from the blood into them).

But you can enjoy sparkling water made more inviting with slices of lemon or lime and a few drops of Angostura bitters.

And there is another fizzy drink you can enjoy on those celebratory occasions — Champagne.

It is surprisingly low in carbs, a glass is equivalent to less than one teaspoon of sugar. Perhaps low-carb living isn't so bad after all. Cheers!

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-03-29 13:37:26 

Liittynyt: 2015-10-14 21:57:51
Viestit: 918
Paikkakunta: Rannikko
In other words, the cholesterol found naturally in food is not the problem.

Milloin tämä tieto saavuttaa meidän "asiantuntijat" ja varsinkin lehtien toimitukset?

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