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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 3 viestiä ] 
Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2021-10-14 18:08:42 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29269
Jonkin verran suuremmasta proteiinien osuudesta huolimatta keto ei heikentänyt munuaisfunktiota. Vaikutukset verensokerin hallintaan ja andropometrisiin mittoihin positiivisia kuten tavallista. Inflammaatiokin väheni

Safety and efficacy of very low carbohydrate diet in patients with diabetic kidney disease—A randomized controlled trial


There is limited data on the effects of low carbohydrate diets on renal outcomes particularly in patients with underlying diabetic kidney disease. Therefore, this study determined the safety and effects of very low carbohydrate (VLCBD) in addition to low protein diet (LPD) on renal outcomes, anthropometric, metabolic and inflammatory parameters in patients with T2DM and underlying mild to moderate kidney disease (DKD).

Materials and methods

This was an investigator-initiated, single-center, randomized, controlled, clinical trial in patients with T2DM and DKD, comparing 12-weeks of low carbohydrate diet (<20g daily intake) versus standard low protein (0.8g/kg/day) and low salt diet. Patients in the VLCBD group underwent 2-weekly monitoring including their 3-day food diaries. In addition, Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) was performed to estimate body fat percentages.


The study population (n = 30) had a median age of 57 years old and a BMI of 30.68kg/m2. Both groups showed similar total calorie intake, i.e. 739.33 (IQR288.48) vs 789.92 (IQR522.4) kcal, by the end of the study. The VLCBD group showed significantly lower daily carbohydrate intake 27 (IQR25) g vs 89.33 (IQR77.4) g, p<0.001, significantly higher protein intake per day 44.08 (IQR21.98) g vs 29.63 (IQR16.35) g, p<0.05 and no difference in in daily fat intake. Both groups showed no worsening of serum creatinine at study end, with consistent declines in HbA1c (1.3(1.1) vs 0.7(1.25) %) and fasting blood glucose (1.5(3.37) vs 1.3(5.7) mmol/L). The VLCBD group showed significant reductions in total daily insulin dose (39(22) vs 0 IU, p<0.001), increased LDL-C and HDL-C, decline in IL-6 levels; with contrasting results in the control group. This was associated with significant weight reduction (-4.0(3.9) vs 0.2(4.2) kg, p = <0.001) and improvements in body fat percentages. WC was significantly reduced in the VLCBD group, even after adjustments to age, HbA1c, weight and creatinine changes. Both dietary interventions were well received with no reported adverse events.


This study demonstrated that dietary intervention of very low carbohydrate diet in patients with underlying diabetic kidney disease was safe and associated with significant improvements in glycemic control, anthropometric measurements including weight, abdominal adiposity and IL-6. Renal outcomes remained unchanged. These findings would strengthen the importance of this dietary intervention as part of the management of patients with diabetic kidney disease.

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-10-14 19:13:27 

Liittynyt: 2009-02-19 14:44:02
Viestit: 4874
Tämä (edellä mainittu) kerrottakoon myös viittä vaille lääkäri Anni Vuohijoelle.

You Eat What You Are

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-10-14 20:36:32 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29269
Tässä tutkimuksessa proteiinin määrä jäi pieneksi runsasproteiinisemmassakin vaihtoehdossa, sillä tässä tutkittiin ene-dieetin variaatioita.

Siitä on kuitenkin pimein tutkimusnäyttöä, että terveille munuaisille suuremmatkaan proteiinimäärät eivät ole ongelma. Ja siitä on jonkin verran näyttöä, että kohtalaisen runsasproteiininenkaan vhh tai keto ei ole ongelma edes lievää tai keskivaikeaa diabeettista munuaissairautta sairastavalle.

Munuaisriskillä pelottelu runsaproteiinisen ruokavalion kontekstissa on so last century.

Suurimmat uhkat munuaisille ovat huonossa hoidossa oleva diabetes ja verenpainetauti. Keto auttaa kummassakin. Siksi isossa kuvassa keto on munuaisystävällinen ruokavalio.

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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 3 viestiä ] 

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