
Tänään on 2024-05-14 09:37:03

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Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2021-02-25 12:50:39 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29313
Viiden yhdysvaltalaisen yliopiston ravitsemustieteen jatko-opiskelijat (n=208) näyttävät ymmärtävän prosessoimattoman ruuan parhaimmuuden - aivan kuten karppaajatkin tekevät. Karppausruokavalioihin kuuluva paleo on heidän keskuudessaan yhtä suosittu kuin median hehkuttama vegaaniruokavalio. Suosituimmat ruokavalionsa:

- Prosessoimaton (49%)
- Gluteeniton (16%)
- Vegaani (13%)
- Paleo (13%)

Cross-Sectional Survey of Graduate Clinical Nutrition Students Describing Dietary Choices and Recommendations

Little data exists describing the dietary habits of nutrition students, including whether students' personal dietary choices influence their clinical recommendations. Study objectives were to: (1) Identify common dietary choices made by nutrition students, (2) determine students' rationale for choosing or avoiding specific diets, (3) identify key factors used to make dietary recommendations.

An anonymous online survey was distributed to graduate-level clinical nutrition students who were attending five American universities. Data collected included demographics, current diet, reasons for following the current diet, reasons for recommending diets, and degree completion status. Percentage of diets chosen and rationale for dietary decisions were compared. Diets chosen and recommended were stratified and compared by degree completion status via chi-square test.

208 participants completed the survey. The top diets students reported following were Whole Foods/Unprocessed (49%) and Gluten-Free (16%), followed by Vegan/Vegetarian (13%) and Paleo (12.5%). The top reasons identified for choosing a personal diet were health optimization and food allergy/intolerance/sensitivity. The top factors used to make dietary recommendations were clients' preferences/resources and results of laboratory testing. A Whole Foods/Unprocessed diet was also selected by the largest proportion of students as one they would recommend to clients-97% of students early in their program and 98.3% of students late in their program would recommend it to a client.

A Whole Foods/Unprocessed diet was the most followed diet and the one most likely to be recommended to future clients, irrespective of students' degree completion progress.

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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 1 viesti ] 

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