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Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-01 18:41:39 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Uusi päiväkirja. Minullahan ei ollutkaan läskipäätä, eli kuvitelmaa kykyjeni heikkoudesta perustuen kokemuksiini paljon painavampana, vaan kyvyt oikeasti olivat heikot ja olin polttanut rasvan lisäksi myös aika paljon lihaksia. No, täällä niitä ollaan tie naamassa takaisin.

Pluspyörällä 5,5 km 24 min 58 sek
Flow 20,28 min
Kävely 14 min 0,9 km
Lopuksi Before Bed Yoga 11 min 42

Sen lisäksi kokeilin sähkötäpäriä ylämäessä. Siinähän tulee melkein kylmä. Kiva laite siihen asti, kun sähköä riittää. Sen jälkeen se ei olekaan niin kiva. Jos minun pitäisi valita sen tai samanhintaisen auton välillä, valitsisin sen. Tosin, en tiedä haluaisinko täpärin vaiko jäykkäperän.

Toi flow oli todella paha, eikä mennyt tuossa ajassa ilman huilitaukoja.

Day 8 - Full Body Strength and Balance
Movement and body control
Body awareness
Control and balance
Recovery training
Movement flow is a pack of movements in one longer drill, that will be performed as smooth and controlled as possible.

Using the ground floor, different levels, stretching and strength moves, you get maximal progress with whatever it will be from balance to body control.

First, you will do each move as 20-second phases.

When the whole drill is through like this we will do it as one flow three times.

The first flow: Spine wave > Cobra > Step through > Squat > Roll up
Phase 1. Spine wave x 20sec
Phase 2. Cobra x 20sec
Phase 3. Step through x 20sec
Phase 4. Squat to roll up x 20sec
Phase 5. Whole flow x 3

The second flow: Mountain climber > Plank > Side kick > Plank side reach
Phase 1. Mountain climber x 20sec
Phase 2. Plank + Sidekick x 20sec
Phase 3. Sidekick + Side reach x 20sec
Phase 4. Whole flow x 3

The third flow: Crab > Bear > Step through > Bridge
Phase 1. Crab + Bear
Phase 2. Step-through
Phase 3. Bridge
Phase 4. Whole flow x 3

Before Bed Yoga
Yoga Classes
Before-bed Yoga
A set of exercises to perform after a long and tiring day, relaxing the muscles tightened during the day and allowing the mind to calm down.
Perform this set of exercises before going to sleep and you will feel an unprecedented feeling of peace before falling asleep.

Duration: 10min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Yoga
Equipment needed: Yoga mat
1.-6. Easy pose with forward fold and side stretches (Adho Mukha Sukhasana)
7. Cat- Cow pose (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana)
8. Child's pose (Balasana)
9. Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
10. Leg Lock pose (Supta Pawanmuktasana)
11. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
12. HappyBaby pose (Ananda Balasana)
13. Reclining Butterfly pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-02 19:10:53 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Tänään kävelyä 1671 askelta ja 19 minuuttia. Sen lisäksi kaksi joogasessiota, yksi aamulla, yksi illalla.

Day 9 - Morning Yoga
Yoga in the morning is a great way to slowly wake up and connect with your body.
This practice is ideal for anyone new to yoga. A great chance for everyone to enjoy this opportunity to move your body, breathe deeply, and simply feel good in the morning.

This sequence is packed with traditional poses, along with nontraditional variations on those asanas to increase flexibility and mobility, decompress, and create more physical space in the body.

This practice calms the brain, strengthens back, stretches knees and ankles.

Duration: 15min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Yoga
Equipment needed: None

Poses :
1. Hero Pose / Virasana
2. Seated Side stretches
3. Neck stretches
4. Shoulder stretches
5. Seated Eagle Pose / Seated Garudasana
6. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose / Ardha Matsyendrasana
7. Seated Forward Bend / Paschimottanasana
8. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
9. High Plank / Phalakasana
10. High Lunge (one side) / Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana
11. Reverse Warrior Pose (one side) / Parsva Virabhadrasana
12. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
13. High Lunge (other side) / Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana
14. Reverse Warrior Pose (one side) / Parsva Virabhadrasana
15. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
16. Pigeon Pose (one side) / Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
17. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
18. Pigeon Pose (one side) / Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
19. Child's Pose / Balasana
20. Bow Pose / Dhanurasana
21. Child's Pose / Balasana
22. Garland Pose / Malasana
+ variations
23. Bridge Pose
24. Leg stretches on back
25. Happy Baby Pose / Ananda Balasana
26. Corpse Pose / Savasana
+ final relaxation / meditation and breathing

Before-bed Yoga
A set of exercises to perform after a long and tiring day, relaxing the muscles tightened during the day and allowing the mind to calm down.
Perform this set of exercises before going to sleep and you will feel an unprecedented feeling of peace before falling asleep.

Duration: 10min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Yoga
Equipment needed: Yoga mat
1.-6. Easy pose with forward fold and side stretches (Adho Mukha Sukhasana)
7. Cat- Cow pose (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana)
8. Child's pose (Balasana)
9. Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
10. Leg Lock pose (Supta Pawanmuktasana)
11. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
12. HappyBaby pose (Ananda Balasana)
13. Reclining Butterfly pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-03 17:57:55 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Tämä yläkehotreeni kesti 23 min 35 sek, sitten kävelyä 18 min 1,2 km 1 783 askelta ja sitten lopuksi vielä before bed yoga.

Welcome to your Full Upper Body Workout!
This workout mainly involves upper body - neck, chest, shoulder, triceps, back and abdominal muscles, and muscle chains. The purpose of the session is to increase muscle strength and endurance.

These exercises will also improve your posture. This workout can be done 3-5 times a week because the workload is not that big and the exercises are performed with bodyweight only.

Duration: 25 min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Muscle Endurance
Equipment needed: None
1. Lying on stomach, up/down (1 min)
10 seconds rest
2. Side raises (1 min)
10 seconds rest
3. Side raises (1 min)
10 seconds rest
4. Lying on back, up/down (30 sec)
10 seconds rest
5. Lying on back, rotation (30 sec)
10 seconds rest
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps
6. Pushups from elbows (30 sec/side)
7. Pushup hold on the top (30 sec)
10 sec rest
8. Separate sides leg&arm raise (1 min/side)
9. Alternating leg & arm raise (30 sec)
11. Upper body hold (30 sec)
1min rest
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps
12. Pushups half/full (30 sec)
13. Pushup hold at the bottom (20 sec)
10 sec rest
14. Upper back raise (1 min)
15. Leg raise (1 min)
16. Hold both (30 sec)
1min rest
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps
17. Slow down, explosive up pushup (30 sec)
18. Pumping pushup (15 sec)
19. Hold on top (30 sec)
1min rest
20. Swimming (30 sec)
21. Close/wide (30 sec)
22. Hold both 30 sec)
30 sec rest
23. Split sit getups (1 min)
15 sec rest
24. Shoulder rotation (30 sec/side)
15 sec rest
25. Leg crunches (30 sec)
15 sec rest
26. Leg pedal (30 sec)
15 sec rest
27. Legs up torso twist (30 sec)
15 sec rest
28. Plank (1min)

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-04 19:06:27 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
5,1 km 31 min 25 sek pyöräilyä
42 min HIIT
0,8 km 17 min 41 s kävelyä
Before Bed yoga

Toi HIIT oli sellainen, että jouduin pitämään useita taukoja välissä ja olin silti ihan lopussa.

Day 11 - Fighting HIIT
Cardio day, here we go!
The purpose of this workout is to increase the heart rate close to the maximum range. The benefit of this workout is that your body will burn a lot of calories during the workout and also after the workout is done. You can perform this workout 2-3 times a week. The workout can be done also with no equipment.

Also, this workout will increase your muscle endurance and bring up your fitness level. This workout is fun to do, due to all kinds of exercises. This is something that nobody is doing in the gym, but it is super effective for burning fat.

Duration: 40min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Muscle endurance, Cardio
Equipment needed: Jumping rope, free weights of 1kg (best dumbells)


1. Neck warmup
2. Shoulder warmup
3. Elbows warmup
4. Fists warmup
5. Torso twist
6. Hips and lower back warmup
7. Knee warmup
8. Calves warmup
9. Quad warmup
10. Back&spine warmup
11. Abs warmup
12. Jumping rope
13. Elbow pushups
14. Straight punches
15. Jumping rope
16. Mountain climbers
17. Balance on 3 limbs
18. Hooks
19. Jumping rope
20. Uppercuts
21. Plank with oblique crunches
22. Arm raise from plank
23. Fighting movement 360* with 2 straight punches
24. Fighting movement 180* with 4 punches
25. Fighting movement 45* with 6 punches
26. Lunge with straight punches
27. Lunge with hook
28. Lunge with uppercut
29. Oblique crunches
30. Pedaling crunches
31. Back exercises
32. Arms up, leg pedal
33. Arms up, legs crossing
34. Legs raise
35. Upper body raise
36. Upper&lower body raise
37. Back&abs stretching
38. Quad stretching
39. Hip stretching
40. Shoulder stretching
41. Shaking

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-05 17:49:20 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Tänään puolen tunnin HIIT-sessio MyEMS:illä, puolisen tuntia kävelyä, before bed yoga ja full body stretching routine.

Day 12 - Full Body Stretching Routine
Today we are focusing on the recovery.
These recovery routines are just as important as the workouts to keep your body working at optimal levels.

We are going through full body-stretching with basic movements to keep your flexibility and mobility work on point.

-Focus on breathing and in 10sec time, take a deep breath and pull yourself deeper to the stretch. Don't work against the pain.

-Don't do static stretching, but rather try having a small ‘pulse’ in the movement.
- In the last two stretching movements, flex the opposite muscle than what you are stretching (for example quads -> flex hamstrings.) Flex for 3 seconds and pull yourself a bit deeper to the stretch with relaxing the muscle. Repeat 3 times.

Duration: 10min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Stretching, mobility
Equipment needed: None

30sec stretch
2 Rounds

1. Thoracic spine
2. Hip flexor + quad
3. Glute stretch
4. Cat-Cow Stretch
5. Hands to legs-Roll up
6. Chest stretch
7. Spiderman stretch
8. Quads (flex hamstrings)
9. Hamstrings front stretch (flex quads)

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-06 16:34:44 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Tänään kävelylenkki.
34 min
Matka: 2,3 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 3 309

Full Body Workout 29 min, lopuksi Before Bed Yoga

Day 13 - Full Body Workout
In this workout, you will be challenging your strength, endurance, and body control.
The workout is performed with a minimum amount of equipment that you can find from your home.

When doing the movements: try to squeeze your muscles in every movement in order to really feel the muscle, and during the exercise don't let your muscle 'rest' but rather feel the burn by keeping them under stress all the time!

In the resting periods: remember to hydrate yourself, calm your breathing, and get yourself ready to perform the next exercise.

Make sure you have enough space and a good warmup. If you're not sure how to perform these exercises, please check them out from the video, before starting the actual workout.

Duration: 30min.
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Home workouts
Equipment needed: Chair, a towel

1. Squat
2. Bulgarian Squat
3. Hip Thrust
4. Angels and Demons standing
5. Bench Pull-Up Pulse
6. Icepick w/ towel
7. Fly Push-Up w/ bench
8. Inverted Light Cobra
9. Shoulder Push-Up
The workout goes as a 9-Movement pattern, you will be performing this for three rounds.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-07 15:21:21 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Tänään jotenkin alakuloinen päivä.
Kävely 16 min
Matka: 1,1 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 1 600

Yläkehon venyttely ja illalla vielä before bed yoga.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-09 20:01:21 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere


47 min
Matka: 3,1 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 4 421

Intensive Workout 54 min 21 sek

Ja sitten vielä Before Bed Yoga

Tuo intensive workout oli todella, todella hulluutta.

Day 15 - Intensive Workout
Finally Monday!
- I think that we grow in our discomfort zone.

When it is really hard and you reeaaally need to push yourself. This goes with everything. Workouts and everyday tasks.

If you want to feel good and nice all the time you can't expect a big change with that outcome. We all have our boundaries with what makes us feel uncomfortable and rather not step outside of that line.

I named this workout as a 'Discomfort Dose' because this will not be easy and nice, but you will get stronger and closer to the result you want. You will grow to the mentality that from time to time it is good to push your boundaries to evolve.

Welcome to your daily discomfort:

Instead of letting ourselves go easier as we get more tired and lactic, we are raising up the effort. Go harder.

Reminder, if you are feeling soreness from the last workout you can push this workout with a day forward. This means that your body just needs to rest and recover more. Listen to your body and do not work against the soreness!

Duration: 50-55min
Fitness level: Challenging
Category: Home workout, strength
Equipment needed: Two dumbbells (Can be replaced with waterjugs etc.)

First round: everything 15-reps
Second round: everything 20-reps
Third round: everything 25-reps

1. Banded pulse squat
2. Lunge jump
3. Plank elbow rotation
4. Push up to front raise
5. Wall squat hold
6. Sliders hamstring curl
7. Scorpion
8. Static lunge + press
9. Single-leg hip-raise
10. Donkey kicks
11. Spiderman push up

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-10 18:01:36 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Tänään taas käveltiin: 17 min
Matka: 1,2 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 1 672

Sen lisäksi joogattiin kahteen otteeseen yht. 36 min.

Day 16 - Yoga
Full focus on mental awareness. Today we are gathering energy with a yoga session.
What could be a more perfect way to boost your day?

Yoga is a great way to boost your energy, connect with your body, and ease your mind. This practice is ideal for everyone. It is a great opportunity to move your body, breathe deeply and simply feel good.
This sequence is packed with traditional poses, along with nontraditional variations to increase flexibility and mobility, decompress, and create more physical space in the body.
This practice calms the brain, strengthens the back, stretches legs and strengthens your core and balance.

Duration: 25min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Yoga
Equipment needed: None
Poses :
1. Hand clenching
2. Wrist joint rotation
3. Elbow rotation
4. Cat - cow pose
5. Floating table pose
6. Plank
7. Downward Facing dog
8. Child's pose
9. Seated wrist joint stretching
10. Downward Facing dog
11. Plank and chaturanga
12. Baby cobra
13. Downward Facing dog
14. Plank and chaturanga
15. Upward Facing dog
16. Locust pose
17. Child's pose
18. Downward Facing dog
19. Plank and chaturanga
20. Upward Facing Dog
21. Downward Facing dog
22. Superman pose
23. Sphinx pose
24. Child's pose
25. Plank
26. Single arm high plank (L+R)
27. Side plank + variation (L+R)
28. Child's pose
29. One-Legged Downward facing dog to knee crunch
30. High lunge
31. Warrior 2
32. Reverse Warrior
33. Half-moon pose
34. Warrior 2
35. Downward facing dog
36. Plank and chaturanga
37. Upward-Facing dog
38. Downward facing dog
39. One-Legged Downward facing dog to knee crunch
40. High lunge
41. Warrior 2
42. Reverse Warrior
43 Half-moon pose
44. Warrior 2
45. Downward facing dog
46. Plank and chaturanga
47. Upward-Facing dog
48. Child's pose
49. Triceps stretch

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-11 20:48:29 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Tänään jooga, kahvakuula ja 3 km kävelyä. 45 min, 4 263 askelta.
Paikat olivat vähän kipeänä tänään.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-13 08:21:26 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Eilen unohdin merkitä,
HIIT 34 minuuttia,
Kesto: 35 min
Matka: 2,3 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 3 359
Before bed yoga

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-13 20:35:20 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Kesto: 14 min
Matka: 0,9 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 1 332

Kuminauhajumppa 28 min 34 sek

Before bed yoga

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-14 18:21:55 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Kesto: 16 min
Matka: 1,1 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 1 555

HIIT 25:17

Before Bed yoga 11:42

Day 18 - HIIT
Let it burn! Are you ready to sweat?
We are doing a HIIT = High-Intensity Interval Training, you can do this workout inside or move it outside.

I will be challenging you with combination movements, animal moves, and high-intensity exercises like jump rope and running.
As always, push yourself and give everything you got!
There will be four rounds, you can start with two and increase from there, go with what is your starting level!

The purpose of this workout is to bring up the heart rate and keep it in an 80-100% range of your maximum Beats Per Minute (BPM). The benefit of this workout is that it leads to fat burn, faster metabolism, higher energy levels and increase the level of your cardiovascular system. It is very short and super effective!
Try to start at a steady pace and keep the same pace for the whole workout. It is important to keep breathing all the time because we need to feed all the muscles with oxygen.
Take longer rest between the rounds if you feel that you need more time to catch your breath.

Duration: 25 min
Fitness Level: Adjustable
Category: Cardio/Endurance/Threshold/Fatburn
Equipment needed: no
Legs back&forward(START WITH RIGHT LEG)
Scissor jumping
Straight punches
Legs back&forward (START WITH LEFT LEG)
Scissor jumping
Straight punches
Legs back&forward(START WITH RIGHT LEG)
Scissor jumping
Straight punches
Legs back&forward (START WITH LEFT LEG)
Scissor jumping
Straight punches

Tauko oli kaksi minuuttia

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-15 19:22:08 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Kesto: 21 min
Matka: 1,5 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 2 087

Venyttely 15 min 21 sek.

Before Bed Yoga

Day 19 - Full-Body Stretching & Mobility
Full-Body Stretching & Mobility Routine
This full-body stretching workout focuses on mobility and active stretching rather than static. You can do this before any workout like a warm-up or you can do this after any workout or just in the days when you feel that you need to recover from some hard workouts!

We will stretch the whole body and concentrate on our balance and mobility.

Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Stretching
Equipment needed: None
1. Stretch up and down
2. Side stretch
3. Standing cat-cow pose
4. Deep stretch
5. Triangle stretch
6. Deep squat with knee variation
7. Inner tight stretch
8. Right leg stretch
9. Left leg stretch
10. Cat cow
11. Deep lunge with swing
12. Easy twist
13. Easy twist with variation
14. Seated one leg hamstring stretch
15. Deep lunge with swing
16. Easy twist
17. Easy twist with variation
18. Seated one leg hamstring stretch
19. Butterfly
20. Side stretch
21. Side stretch
23. Quad stretch
24. Lower back stretch
25. Quad stretch
26. Lower back stretch
27. Lower back stretch with legs overhead

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-16 13:49:52 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Kävely 15 min
Matka: 0,9 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 1 409

Full body strength endurance 31 min 28 sek

Before bed yoga

Day 20 - Full Body Strength Endurance
Full Body Strength Endurance
This full-body workout is targeted on improving exercise technical endurance, body control, and deep muscle working potential. This training will include a lot of breathing techniques that will help to get easier through this.

We will have two rounds of exercise combinations that are designed to have enough recovery in different muscle groups but still complement each other to reach optimal muscle work.

Duration: 28min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Home Workout
Equipment needed: None, Bodyweight
Exercises, 15sec rest between each
1.1 Knee-shoulder rolling 1min
1.2 Knee rounding (5x/side) 1min
1.3 Standing half-forward fold 30s
1.4 Bent leg back&front 30s
1.5 Cross touch & reach 30s
1min each, 15 s rest between each exercise. 2 ROUNDS for these
2. Arm circling in a sumo position
3. Inch-warm to push-up to double-squat jumps
4. L-stretch push-ups, 25s/side
5. Low sumo-squat to toe stretch
6. Long pulse-lunge side switching with mini-jump
7. Single leg hip-thrust with lifted leg, 25s each leg
8. Single-arm plank with pull-downs (can be done on one knee)
9. Bear walk and shoulder taps
10. Back rolls and double reaches
11. Toe-cross reaches

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-17 08:19:57 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Venyttely 13 min 28 sek

Day 21 - Quick Stretching Routine
This week's hard workouts are done, so now for the weekend we can focus on mobility and resting.
You accomplished week three, congratulations!

We are at full speed, and let's keep it that way for one more week to come.

This is the 12-minutes stretching routine so get those yoga pants on and start warming up your body!

This routine you can use after your workouts, your jog, or as a rest day evening stretch.

All the movements will be performed in pulse, by this I mean going to stretch and holding it for 5 seconds, taking a deep breath and pushing the stretch a bit further.
Hold the stretch here and do this for 3 times, and it sums up a 20second stretch.

Go slow with the pushing point, do not push the stretch too far that you will be feeling pain.

Duration: 12min
Fitness level: Beginner
Category: Stretching, Recovery
Equipment needed: None
2 Rounds of

1. Hip flexor stretch
2. Lying glute stretch
3. Hands to toes
4. Sphynx stretch with rotations
5. Lat stretch/ Wall
6. Calves stretch
7. The Pancake stretch
2. Butterfly stretch
2. Seated Triceps stretch

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-17 08:20:37 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Venyttely 13 min 28 sek

Day 21 - Quick Stretching Routine
This week's hard workouts are done, so now for the weekend we can focus on mobility and resting.
You accomplished week three, congratulations!

We are at full speed, and let's keep it that way for one more week to come.

This is the 12-minutes stretching routine so get those yoga pants on and start warming up your body!

This routine you can use after your workouts, your jog, or as a rest day evening stretch.

All the movements will be performed in pulse, by this I mean going to stretch and holding it for 5 seconds, taking a deep breath and pushing the stretch a bit further.
Hold the stretch here and do this for 3 times, and it sums up a 20second stretch.

Go slow with the pushing point, do not push the stretch too far that you will be feeling pain.

Duration: 12min
Fitness level: Beginner
Category: Stretching, Recovery
Equipment needed: None
2 Rounds of

1. Hip flexor stretch
2. Lying glute stretch
3. Hands to toes
4. Sphynx stretch with rotations
5. Lat stretch/ Wall
6. Calves stretch
7. The Pancake stretch
2. Butterfly stretch
2. Seated Triceps stretch

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-17 08:20:57 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Venyttely 13 min 28 sek

Day 21 - Quick Stretching Routine
This week's hard workouts are done, so now for the weekend we can focus on mobility and resting.
You accomplished week three, congratulations!

We are at full speed, and let's keep it that way for one more week to come.

This is the 12-minutes stretching routine so get those yoga pants on and start warming up your body!

This routine you can use after your workouts, your jog, or as a rest day evening stretch.

All the movements will be performed in pulse, by this I mean going to stretch and holding it for 5 seconds, taking a deep breath and pushing the stretch a bit further.
Hold the stretch here and do this for 3 times, and it sums up a 20second stretch.

Go slow with the pushing point, do not push the stretch too far that you will be feeling pain.

Duration: 12min
Fitness level: Beginner
Category: Stretching, Recovery
Equipment needed: None
2 Rounds of

1. Hip flexor stretch
2. Lying glute stretch
3. Hands to toes
4. Sphynx stretch with rotations
5. Lat stretch/ Wall
6. Calves stretch
7. The Pancake stretch
2. Butterfly stretch
2. Seated Triceps stretch

32 min
Matka: 2,1 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 3 006

Before bed yoga

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-18 23:01:02 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
1. Kävely
28 min
Matka: 1,9 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 2 677
2. HIIT 29 min 47 sek
3. Before bed yoga

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2021-01-19 18:07:54 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Paikkakunta: Tampere
1. Kävely
Kesto: 16 min
Matka: 1,2 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 1 652

2. Full Body Workout

3. Before bed yoga

Day 22 - Full Body Workout
Remember your first workout? How did it feel?
This is that same workout, just you have now leveled up. Now you can see how much you are progressing all the time week by week.

In this workout, you will be challenging your strength, endurance, and body control.

The workout is performed with a minimum amount of equipment that you can find from your home.

If you have, for example, kettlebells or ankle weights feel free to challenge yourself by adding them up to the workout!

When doing the movements be careful to really feel and squeeze the muscle, during the exercise don't let your muscle 'rest' but feel the burn by keeping them active all the time!

In the resting periods, remember to hydrate, calm your breathe, and get yourself ready to perform the next exercise.

Make sure you have enough space, test the exercises before doing the whole workout to avoid injuries.

Duration: 30min.
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Home workouts
Equipment needed: Chair, a towel

1. Squat
2. Bulgarian Squat
3. Hip Thrust
4. Angels and Demons standing
5. Bench Pull-Up Pulse
6. Icepick w/ towel
7. Fly Push-Up w/ bench
8. Inverted Light Cobra
9. Shoulder Push-Up
The workout goes as a 9-Movement pattern, you will be performing this for three rounds.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

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